Many questions regarding this subject. Let me immediately say this: It's very easy to do so keep calm and don't worry.
If you're gonna replant your rose in pot after a couple of years it's because the potting compost in your pot has become worn out. The level of soil has decreased and when you push into the soil with your fingers you feel it's hard and filled with roots. This means your rose has used all the space in your pot and the soil has been drained from nutrients. So what to do?
We do this when your rose is dormant so let's say in late Autumn. I don't give a specific month because some members are in the southern hemisphere, let's say our Aussie friends.
So in late Autumn you prune all the branches back to 25 or 30 cm. Now grab the two biggest branches and pull while keeping the pot down. Ask you partner to give you a hand. Use rose gloves 🧤 at any time. When you pull you'll see that the rose comes out entirely with her root ball. Now you see why it's time to repot the rose. It has become one big ball of roots and very little soil. Now gently break up the ball with your hands so all roots are becoming loose. Don't panic if smaller roots break when doing this. So now you have a big amount of loose roots. Some will be longer than others. Take your sécateurs and prune the roots at the same length. Look at the length of your branches: Your roots should be equally long as your branches but preferably a bit longer. So if your branches are 30 cm Long you prune the roots also to this length or just a bit less. There has to be balance between roots and branches.
Now make the roots wet with water and coat them with Mycorhizza spores. If you don't use mycorrhiza skip this step.
Take your pot or a bigger one and put a shard on the drainage hole to ensure good drainage.
Fill the pot for 1/3 with fresh new non peat potting compost. Don't use used potting soil!
Take your rose and put her in the middle of your pot and spread the roots evenly in all directions. Now hold her steady with one hand and fill up the rest of the pot with your other hand. When the pot is filled you pull the rose a bit up to ensure there arent any air pockets. Look at the graft! It has to be covered with a few cm of soil.
Now mulch the top soil with leaf compost or dried cow manure or whatever organic material you have. And important: Give the rose a good soak! So plenty of water. Et voilà, your rose is ready for another three or four years.
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