Monday, January 30, 2023

Super Dorothy

Super Dorothy, Hazel 1986 

Modern Climber 

A Wichuraiana climbing rose that comes from 'Dorothy Perkins'.  The flowers are slightly darker, but 'Super Dorothy' is healthier and reblooms.  The rose also resembles 'Super Excelsa' but is pink in colour.  The small double flowers are in very large clusters.  They have little smell.  The leaves are small, medium green, very shiny and healthy.  Many small rose hips appear in autumn.  The plant has flexible branches and is good as a climber on a fence, against a wall, in an obelisk or rose pyramid, against a pergola.  Without support, it makes a good ground cover. It's especially good and beautiful as a Weeping rose. Zone 6b to 9b. Can reach 5 meters or 15 feet.