Sunday, January 15, 2023

Princess Alexandra of Kent

Princess Alexandra of Kent, 2009

English rose 

A member asked me if I could advice her with buying one of the best current David Austin roses. She wanted sturdy growth, big blooms and lots of Fragrance. Like Abraham Darby but more healthy and less floppy.

There's only one fairly recent David Austin which has big blooms, fruity fragrance and strong canes: Princess Alexandra of Kent

PAOK has massive pink old fashioned blooms on strong canes which can support the heavy flowers. They have a strong citrus fragrance. It's a very healthy rose and her reblooming skills are excellent.
It's a rose I myself would buy but I'm afraid she can't handle heat very well as she's only suitable between zones 6b till 8b
Maybe members have her and they can tell us if she can withstand hot temperatures and full sun. Does the blooms burn?
She can reach 100 cm and is very suitable for pots or in the border in combination with white or blue perennials.

An outstanding recommended Austin rose

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