Friday, January 20, 2023

Pernetiana's, what are they?

When rosarian Joseph Pernet-Ducher created the Hybrid Tea Soleil d'or he brought bright and deep yellow, golden, Apricot, copper colors into roses. After creating Soleil d'or he kept crossing with the offspring of this rose and those which emerged are called Pernetiana's or Pernetiana roses. So this was a class of roses with very bright, deep colors. But not only Pernet Ducher created them, also other breeders joined this club. Pedro Dot from Spain and Alexander Dickson II to name a few. Around 1930 these Pernetiana's eventually merged with the Hybrid Teas. Their impact on modern roses is immens, nearly all modern roses have Pernetiana blood.
Under the label Pernetiana's you can find the most beautiful Pernetiana's. 

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