Monday, January 16, 2023

Mister Lincoln

Mister Lincoln, Swim & Weeks 1963

Hybrid Tea 

The third in the trio with Chrysler imperial and Charles Mallerin as parents
Mister Lincoln is probably the most popular in the USA but also in Europe almost each self respecting nursery has her for sale and because it's such an old rose the patent is long gone and you can get them cheap. In Belgium you can buy this rose for five or six Euro or dollars
Mister Lincoln also has a rather tall upright growth and can easily reach 250 cm so it can be trained as a climber. Don't expect a beautiful shrub as nearly all bush roses from this series are quite flawed as a garden shrub. They were created for cut flowers not for creating a good shrub in your garden. The climbing sports are often far superior.
The blooms of Mister Lincoln tend to be more like Papa Meilland, maybe a bit less dark. They don't fade or burn in the sun. She is however susceptible to Blackspot. Reblooming is outstanding. This rose is being sold at Valentine in expensive New York shops and can cost 25 dollars for one rose! 😂
Again the fragrance is very strong damask.
So Papa Meilland, Chrysler imperial, Oklahoma or Mister Lincoln? Take your pick!

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