Monday, January 16, 2023

Madame de Maintenon

Madame de Maintenon
Rosengräfin Henriette, Kordes 2013
Lovely Parfuma
Summer Romance (USA and Australia) 

Modern hybrid 

Madame de Maintenon was the second wife of Louis XIV the Sun ☀ King.
So has this rose royal characteristics?
In one word: Definitely!
More a floribunda like Chippendale but undeniable a must have in your garden. A bushy shrub which can reach 120 cm max. Beautiful healthy foliage.
Her blooms are drop dead gorgeous: Pink quartered puffy blooms in clusters. Her fragrance is overwhelming with notes of (deep breath) Anise, pear, citrus, apple, raspberry, Myhrr.
Reblooms all summer till Oktober. My parents have her and each time I'm jealous when i visit my former garden lol.
Do I recommend this rose? 100%!

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