Knock out roses, Radler 1988-...
Modern hybrids
Controversial for many rose lovers because these roses are said to be lacking in character, in fragrance, in overall beauty.
A decade and longer ago I would have agreed but not anymore. My grandmother loved roses and her farm had Gloire de Dijon and Lady Hillingdon climbing but she also had a front garden which were filled with polyanthas like Lily Marleen and Iceberg/Schneewitchen. In summer her front garden was one big red and white space. It had two small paths for her to walk through her roses. Maybe they lacked character but God they were easy and extremely color effective. No rain or heat could bother them. Besides that spring pruning and fertilizing they were care free.
When in bloom she would be so happy. She was the most sweet little grandma which liked to bake and enjoy her roses.
Should we look down on her and her thinking? Didn't she understand that these weren't real roses?
No it was me who was wrong in my thinking. So many people live in extremely cold winter states or in hot and humid places or in Scotland lol 😂
These people also want to enjoy roses and their colors without having to worry about the frost or rain.
That's when roses like the Knock out series are an outcome. They are very Hardy zone 4b and higher. They are rain tolerant and they even don't need dead heading, they are self cleaning. Ideal for rose lovers with busy jobs or young couples with young children.
Knock out roses come in red, pink, peach, yellow, white and in single or double blooms. Especially the yellow sunny knock out is very fragrant. Citrus like.
Would I buy them? No but I don't live in cold or rainy climates and I have all the time in the world to take care for less carefree roses.
So under my watch there's no laughing at Knock out roses.
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