Monday, January 16, 2023

James Galway

James Galway, Austin 1999

English rose 

One of the very best David Austin roses. Best as a climber when it can give you its very best.
300 cm or a bit more. Very healthy foliage and extremely disease resistant. A seedling from Heritage and another unknown rose.
The flowers are glorious. Big fully rounded rosettes with many petals. Despite so many petals the flowers are very rain resistant and keep opening even in long wet weather conditions. It's a tough bastard this guy, he can bloom in shady conditions and drought isn't a problem either. With us he stands against a willow tree so he has to compete for water and only has a few hours of sun. And still he rewards us with exquisite flowers. Everybody who visits the garden is in full aw of them. Despite these harsh conditions he reblooms much better than other DA varieties. Does it have no flaws? For me? No, no flaws but the nice old rose fragrance could be a bit stronger but the blooms later in the summer have more fragrance. 
I wished I could grow more of him but the space is so limited in our all ready crowded garden. If you want a strong, carefree DA climber, choose this one.

Growth 🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹
Health 🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹
Fragrance 🌹🌹🌹
Reblooming 🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹

Total 18/20 💋 Highly recommended variety

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