Gipsy boy, Geschwind 1909
Geschwind from the Danube Monarchy gave us a few fabulous roses and I'm still discovering creations from him and they are all very very good
Gipsy boy or Zigeunerknabe is probably his most known creation. It's a Bourbon rose which is loved worldwide. It has full, cupped violet red flowers turning to purple when aging. When fully open you see the yellow stamens. They have a lovely old rose fragrance. Summer blooming in June and July.
Like all Bourbons she can get big 200X200 cm and she's perfect for pegging purposes or as a small climber
She's healthy for her age. It's an extremely Hardy rose USDA 2b to 9b
Blooms 🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹
Health 🌹🌹🌹🌹
Reblooming N/A
Fragrance 🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹
Shade tolerant? Yes
Rain tolerant? Yes
Dirk's opinion:
A classic. Every bigger garden should have this rose. It's such a stunning rose when in full flush.