Monday, January 16, 2023

Florence Ducher

Florence Ducher, Fabien Ducher 2005


A remarkable rose and one you certainly must discover. A cross between Mme Isaac Pereire and her own sport Mme Ernest Calvat. The result is nothing more than breathtaking. In fact, Florence Ducher is identical to her famous parents except for the color. It's one of the most beautiful roses of this early 21th century.
For Bourbon lovers, and they are many, this is the Holy Grail. It shows its perfectly possible to create more old roses today. 
So how does Florence look? 
Pink petals, lighter to the edges, create big, puffy, quartered blooms and they show their stamen. They exude the same extreem strong raspberry fragrance as its parents. In full flush the vigorous plant is filled with these gems. She can reach 3 meters or 12 feet and more so she's to be used just like her parents as a climber. Train her as horizontal as possible. Very healthy and good reblooming.
As nearly all Bourbons, Florence Ducher is very hardy zone 5b and warmer. 
An exquisite, ravissante, new Bourbon and a must have!