Friday, January 20, 2023

Dr Jane Goodall

Dr Jane Goodall must be one of the most important people of the 20th century. She dedicated her life to examine the behavior of Chimpanzees in Africa. Her work gave humanity an essential view on one of its closest relatives. Now her work exists in conservation of nature. A big lady this Dr Goodall

Guillot came in 2011 with a Jane Goodall rose. A stunning apricot climber with old fashioned quartered blooms reminding us of Colette and maybe Gloire de dijon. There's a moderate spicy fragrance

Jackson and Perkins created a rose with the name Dr Jane Goodall in 2017 and this is a pink to apricot Hybrid Tea which is free flowering and also has a moderate spicy fragrance. So both are excellent garden roses.
If you buy Dr Jane Goodall a portion of the money goes to a good cause: Conservation of nature and the Chimps.
When her rose was revealed at Jackson and Perkins she asked to send a big bouquet 💐 of them to President Trump so he would protect more nature. Sadly, under president Trump, more conservation got reversed.
In any case: Its an honor to present them to you

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