Monday, January 16, 2023

Crimson glory climbing

Crimson glory climbing, Kordes 1933

Climbing Hybrid tea 

Crimson Glory was one of the grand parents of our five good red Hybrid Teas. Papa Meilland, Oklahoma, Ena Harkness, Chrysler imperial and Mister Lincoln all had Crimson glory as a grandparent or even parent.
Although the shrub form is still available today it's vastly surpassed by its climbing sport Crimson Glory climbing.
The shrub form is a vigorous rose which can reach 200 cm. Out of all red HTs Crimson glory has the best shrub and it can become a rounded shrub. It is however susceptible to mildew. Reblooming is very good. The fragrance is very powerful, an old rose clove fragrance. The blooms are red to dark red and perfectly formed. They do suffer from weak neck syndrome so they tend to hang down. So now you know why Ena Harkness has that weak neck.

The climbing form is a rather slow starter and makes a good rose for an obelisk, Arch, fence etc. The foliage is weaker than the bush form and is susceptible to mildew and blackspot but she always recovers. Her blooms are outstanding and the weak neck is an advantage as a climber as they look towards us.
My specimen of Crimson glory climbing was a slow starter but this year it took off. The flowers and the fragrance are outstanding. Yes it got mildew but it went away without any damage.

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