Colette, Meilland 1998
Modern climber
Flowers: old fashioned, many petaled apricot/peach /pink in clusters
Growth: 150/250 or more, very vigorous
Fragrance: Strong Tea /Damask
Reblooming? Yes
Resistant to Blackspot? Yes
Resistant to mildew? Yes
Resistant to rain? Yes
Resistant to heat? Yes
USDA zone 4b and warmer
Shade tolerant? No
Use: Pergola, Arbor, obelisk, fences, border, cut flower
A truly magnificent rose. She has this really nostalgic old rose feel about her. Although it's not a David Austin rose she looks identical to Evelyn but with a little bit smaller blooms.
One of the parents was the yellow Friesia and this gave her vigour and this lovely smell. Forget the current Austin roses being sold as climbers, take Colette instead. Never sick, rain and heat tolerant. Highly recommended variety!