Sunday, January 15, 2023

Alba roses

Alba roses are an ancient group that dates back to Roman times and include historic gems such as The White Rose of York and The Jacobite rose. Analysis has shown them to be hybrids of  Rosa canina and Rosa gallica. 
They are the most easy roses to grow making good large, rounded shrubs and can take a good amount of shade. They have greyish green foliage and are very Hardy.
Alba's only bloom once, in late spring to early summer. Some of the most beautiful roses are Alba's. Examples are Félicité Parmentier, Mme Plantier, Königin von Danemark, Alba Semi-plena, Alba Maxima etc
So what you need to remember:
Bloom once but for 4 to 5 weeks
Make beautiful rounded shrubs (120X150)
First pruning after three years 
Prune immediately after flowering 
Come in white and shades of light pink 
Very hardy zone 4b
Shade tolerant 
Tolerant to poor soil 
Little diseases 
Strong fragrance

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