Sunday, March 2, 2025

Top 20 of best reblooming climbing roses


A top 20 selection in random order!

The list is made up of real climbing roses that rebloom almost continuously (Perpetual) through late spring, summer and autumn. Two Flushes isn't enough to make the list. I've also looked at availability which is an important factor too. Noisettes and Tea Noisettes undoubtedly rebloom the most so they are well represented in the list. Your input has been very valuable. There are really good repeating climbers which didn't make this list but are still a good choice. Some examples are Bouquet d'or, Mme Bérard, Gloire de Dijon (find a strong specimen), Strawberry hill, Teasing Georgia, The Wedgwood rose, A Shropshire Lad, Jasmina, Laguna, Bienvenue, Coral dawn, Awakening, New dawn, Bantry Bay, Sénégal, Étoile de Hollande climbing, Meg, Compassion, Sombreuil, Plaisanterie, St Swithun, Spirit of freedom, etc...

Now the Top 20 in random! order 

Lady Hillingdon climbing
Mme Alfred Carrière
Rêve d'or
Blush Noisette
Scent from heaven
Devoniensis climbing
Crown Princess Margareta
Mme Caroline Testout climbing
Desprez (à fleurs jaunes)
Maréchal Niel
Ghislaine de Feligonde
Iceberg climbing (Schneewittchen /Fee des neiges)
Lady Sylvia/Mme Butterfly climbing
Alister Stella Grey
Perfumed breeze

Most nurseries have several of these climbers available. In Europe, USA, Asia, Australia and New Zealand and South Africa and probably countries in Latin America such as Argentina and Chile.

I hope you will use this as a helpful tool when you're thinking of buying a good repeat blooming climber.

Rêve d'or 

Top 20 best Hybrid Teas


Hybrid Teas dominated the rose world for more than an entire century but their reign is declining rapidly. More and more modern Hybrids (crosses between different families of modern roses) are released and new real HT's with pure upright growth and only some flowers at the top are getting rare in the EU. Most new roses are a cross between HT's, floribundas, species roses and DA roses. But in this top 20 we only have real typical HT's. We've looked at health, reblooming quality and fragrance because everyone loves a fragrant rose.

The Top 20:

Chandos Beauty
Prince Jardinier (Francis Meilland)
Sophie Rochas
Line Renaud (Dee-Lish)
Pope John Paul II
Frédéric Mistral
Belinda's dream
Diamond Jubilee
Savoy Hotel
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (Pure poetry)
Sœur Emmanuelle (cathedral bells)
Sweet Mademoiselle (Mlle Meilland)
Paul Ricard
La rose du Petit prince
Charles de Gaulle
Pullman Orient express
Double delight

So these are in random order some of the best HT's you can buy at this moment. Of course there are many others that are also worth growing but they just lack that bit of extra health, reblooming speed or fragrance.
These include: Just Joey, Chicago Peace, Peace (Mme A Meilland), Gräfin Diana, Fragrant cloud (duftwolke), Yves Piaget, Chartreuse de Parme, André Le Notre, Tiffany, Beverly, Maria Callas, Barbra Streisand and many others.
Prince Jardinier / Francis Meilland 

Top 20 most fragrant roses

Top 20 of most fragrant roses!

An almost impossible task as there are far more extremely fragrant roses than 20. So we do a top 20 and I'll add plentiful of other candidates. They All are in random order except for no 1 but that's my privilege lol. The TOP 20 was created after a poll at Dirk's rose group, for real rose addicts, a Facebook group. 

Top 20:

1) Mme Isaac Pereire & Mme Ernest Calvat (Bourbon) 

Abraham Darby (English rose)
Jude the obscure (English rose)
Sœur Emmanuelle (HT)
Pope John Paul II (HT)
La France (first HT)
Louise Odier (Bourbon)
Gertrude Jekyll (English rose)
Evelyn (English rose)
Anna Olivier (Tea)
Lady Hillingdon climbing (Tea)
Étoile de Hollande climbing (climbing HT)
Pompadour (HT)
Madame Anisette (HT)
Caroline's Heart (Modern Hybrid)
Line Renaud (HT)
La rose de Molinard (HT)
Mme Boll/Comte de Chambord (Portland)
Jacques Cartier/Marchesa Boccella (Portland)
Reine Victoria and Mme Pierre Oger (Bourbon)
Felicia (Hybrid Musk)

Other extremely fragrant roses include: Crown Princess Margareta, Sharifa Asma, Lady Emma Hamilton, Mary rose/Redouté/Winchester Cathedral, Yolande d'aragon, Mrs John Laing, Golden Celebration, Jubilee Celebration, Munstead Wood, Chandos Beauty, Augusta Luise, Friesa, Margaret Merrill, Rose edouard, La Ville de Bruxelles, Ispahan, Perfumed Breeze, Yves Piaget, Chartreuse de Parme, André Le Notre, Devoniensis, Desprez, Souvenir de la Malmaison, Ulrich Brunner fils, Eugène Fürst, Mme Plantier, Félicité Parmentier, Belle Isis, Charles Austin, Constance Spry, Maréchal Niel, Scent from heaven, Rose de Rescht, Henri Delbard, Général Jacqueminot, Souvenir du docteur jamain, Minerva, Heritage, Wife of Bath, St Swithun, Tiffany, Valencia and so many others...

Mme Isaac Pereire in my garden