Friday, March 31, 2023

Summer Song

Summer song, Austin 2005

English rose 

Summer song is very closely related to Golden Celebration and Jubilee Celebration. She has the same arching, flamboyant growth 120X100 cm or 4X3 feet and is also very suitable for pots. Her blooms are nothing short of magnificent: Very bright orange slowly turning into soft pink. They are loosely quartered and have a strong good fragrance.
Sadly this rose never became popular with the public. Is it the color? Is it too flashy? I don't think so. Strangely enough this rose is probably the best sold Austin in Ukraine and Russia. She's not canceled so this means that she's still healthy enough for Austin. 
Reblooming and health is top notch. Take a look at this forgotten gem 


Falstaff, Austin 1990

English rose 

Almost identical to "The Prince" except for its height. Falstaff can reach, under good conditions 150X100 cm or 5 X3 feet. Flowers are staggeringly beautiful: Velvety red to almost black, reflexed, cupped old fashioned. Good strong old rose fragrance. Helpmefind says it's only once blooming but I can recall it reblooming after the first flush. Health is moderate and as with all these magnificent dark red Austin's Falstaff needs a good treatment. Spoil it rotten!
Again this rose was canceled by Austin but just the Prince Falstaff has a big fan base and in other climates she performs much better. 
Maybe the most beautiful Red Austin? But in my opinion The Prince, Falstaff, Munstead wood and The Squire are sooo close... they are equally beautiful. And what to think about Prospero and Othello? 

Thursday, March 30, 2023

The Squire

The Squire, Austin 1977

English rose 

The Knight X Château de Clos Vougeot

The Squire, together with its parent the Knight, was the father of nearly all red David Austin roses. This rose has magnificent dark red, very full, quartered blooms with a very strong old rose fragrance. Usually they appear in clusters on a thorny shrub of 120 X 70 cm or 4 X2 feet. Reblooming was good and health was mediocre at best. It always was a show off rose. It wasn't long on the market in Europe as Austin nurseries withdrew her already in the eighties. According to Austin the Squire was a rose made for dry and warm climates. A few years ago I learned that in Australia and California the Squire is very healthy and a much treasured gem 💎. She's available at many rose nurseries in these places and it made me happy 😊. Hopefully, with the current and upcoming climate change, the Squire will be available again in Europe as we are having more and more extremely dry and hot summers. This rose is very suitable for pots and just like her children she loves lots of organic material and organic fertilizer. Treat her like your baby and she'll give you exquisite flowers. Let's hope we can celebrate The Squire's return to Europe soon!

The Prince

The Prince, Austin 1990

English rose 

Lilian Austin X The Squire 

Probably the most magnificent rose created by David Austin senior. When The Prince came out it was hailed as the first modern rose in this color. Dark red, almost Black, very full blooms, sometimes quartered. Extremely fragrant. Looks identical to Souvenir du docteur jamain, the famous Hybrid Perpetual rose. 
This exquisite color can burn in hot sun so choose it's spot wisely. 100X100 cm or 3X3 feet. Ideal for pots. Needs extra care to thrive so mulch with composted manure, give plenty of organic fertilizer, use foliar spray etc. This Prince needs a princely treatment. Reblooming is good and health can be good with the right treatment I just gave you. Zone 5b to 9b.
Discarded long ago but still available at nurseries because so many people love these Ridiculously beautiful flowers. Austin tried and tried to make deep dark red roses but the beauty of the Prince was never surpassed. Needs extra care but you get jewel like flowers in return. It's up to you to choose 

Fisherman's friend

Fisherman's friend, Austin 1987

English rose 

Lilian Austin X The Squire 

Fisherman's friend is a vigorous, thorny rose of 120X100 cm or 4X3 feet. She's ideal for pegging down or as a pillar/Obelisk rose. The blooms are exquisite, deep red, often quartered slowly turning into Mme Isaac Pereire like Carmine pink. Very strong old rose fragrance! Like all dark red roses this rose also needs a good treatment with compost and organic material. Feed it well and she will reward you. Reblooming is good and health is acceptable as long as you pamper it with goodies. Zone 5b to 9b. The blooms can burn in hot scorching sun but that's something almost all dark red roses have. Try to plant her in an afternoon shade spot or at least some shade in the afternoon.
Fisherman's friend got named after the herb pastilles company from Switzerland. They payed Austin to get the name and the money went to charity. 
Discarded really quickly and today almost extinct in Europe. In other parts of the world this rose has a big fan base and rightly so. You stand behind your creations, no matter what. 

Bow bells

Bow bells, Austin, 1991

English rose 

Chaucer X Conrad Ferdinand Meyer X Graham Thomas

Yes, Bow bells has very cupped, bell like flowers in a pretty pink color. They show their golden stamen and stand in clusters. Vigorous growth 130X100 cm or 4X3 feet. Arching growth so the flowers really make a bow towards us. Mild fragrance. Blooms freely all summer long Zone 5b to 9b. Sadly she is susceptible to Blackspot and mildew although of course not always. She does a lot better in more drier climates. A beautiful rose and discarded way too soon by Austin.

Belle story

Belle story, Austin 1984

English rose 

Chaucer X Iceberg (Schneewittchen) 

Belle story makes you happy, her orange/pink double flat flowers show their big golden stamen which has this joyful, lush feeling. Loved by pollinators and flowering very freely Belle story shows that David Austin had much more variation in his roses than now. He wasn't afraid of releasing roses with non old rose flowers and people loved them! Belle story reaches 120X100 cm or 4X3 feet. Slender upright, almost thornless, Iceberg like growth with flowers appearing non stop. They have a strong sweet anise fragrance. Health is very good and she has zone 5b to 9b.
Although Belle Story has disappeared from the catalog since the mid nineties it has retained many followers. So many rose lovers adore this little sweet rose. And can you blame them?